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Another Mouth to Feed... Frogs in my pitcher plants.

May 19, 2020 The frog is back in my pitcher plants. I believe it's the same frog I've seen before. He has the same yellow spot between...

Ants in Sarracenia Catesbaei x Purpurea x Flava

I haven't looked inside the Sarracenia Catesbaei x Purpurea x Flava lately. There are a ton of ants in every pitcher. I'm not sure why...

Spider Sightings

Spider Sightings April 23, 2020 Spotted some spiders amongst the pitchers. They sometimes make a home in sarracenia. The pitchers offer...

Ants Fighting in Sarracenia Leucophylla

Two ants are fighting deep in a S. Leucophylla pitcher, at around 2 minutes. It looks like the black ant is trying to sting the red ant....

Opening Day in Sarracenia Leucophylla Now with bees

April 5, 2020 The S. Leucophylla has produced a bunch of early season pitchers (Leucophylla typically produce more pitchers in the fall) ...

Opening Day in Sarracenia Judith Hindle

April 3 2020 The first S. Judith Hindle pitcher opened and the mites are already colonizing the pitcher. They are deep in Zone 3 of the...

T-Rex is Loose!

T-rex likes carnivorous plants, too. I was inspired to bring out Rex by The Texas Triffid Ranch which bills itself as Dallas's Pretty...

Opening Day in Sarracenia x “Abandoned Hope”

Prepare to Abandon Hope, All Ye Ants Who Enter Here! One of my newest pitcher plant has opened. I got the S. “Abandoned Hope” because I...

Opening Day in S. Yellow Jacket

March 25, 2020 The S. Yellow Jacket was the second to have a pitcher open. I didn’t spot any mites on the lip of the pitcher. There are...

Opening Day in S. BugBat

March 17, 2020 Spring is here. The flowers are in bloom and new pitchers are growing. The first pitcher to open this season is a large...

Frog Stowaway in an old BugBat Pitcher

I found a frog hiding in my car the other day. So I brought him home and put him in my larger pitcher plant pot. The next day I found...

Sarracenia Flowers in Bloom!

March 2020 It’s spring and all of the pitcher plants are in bloom. I have over a dozen in bloom or near bloom. A few flower pictures...

Mega-Mite and a Yellowjacket in S. Leucophylla

March 2, 2020 I was checking on the Yellow Jacket that is trapped in the S. Leucophylla. The poor guy got turned around and is now face...

Moth with a Big Proboscis in S. Leucophylla

Feb 29, 2020 The S. Leucophylla captured another moth. This moth has a large proboscis. Not sure what kind of moth it is, but it was...

Unknown Worms in S. Yellow Jacket

Feb. 23, 2020 The S. Yellow Jacket is not the biggest pitcher plant, but it never fails to host stange and frequently creepy, commensal...

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