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Opening Day in Sarracenia Judith Hindle

April 3 2020 The first S. Judith Hindle pitcher opened and the mites are already colonizing the pitcher. They are deep in Zone 3 of the...

Sarracenia Flowers in Bloom!

March 2020 It’s spring and all of the pitcher plants are in bloom. I have over a dozen in bloom or near bloom. A few flower pictures...

Spider Update and Bonus Spider Hunting

Aug 25 The spider is still nesting in the same S. Bugbat pitcher. He’s been there since June. He survived sharing the pitcher with a...

Ants in the Newest Judith Hindle

August 2019 The ants are loving the newly opened S. Judith Hindle pitcher. (OK "loving" is not the best way to describe being lured to...

Dragonfly on Drosera Filiformis

A small dragonfly got caught on the Drosera Filiformis. Check out those eyes! The large D Filiformis is between the S Judith Hindle and...

March of the Slime Mites. The Blobs on Opening Day

April 14, 2019 Spring is here and that means new pitchers are opening. I wanted to see if they caught something on their first day. ...

Spider living in Judith Hindle

May 1 2018 The pitchers just got a little more dangerous.. A spider has taken up residence in one of the newly opened Judith Hindle...

A light show in the Judith Hindle water droplets

March 11 2019 When looking inside a pitcher plant, many strange things are revealed. But it's not just the prey and the animals that eat...

Water Droplet in Judith Hindle

Water droplets frequently show up on the inside of pitcher plants. Possibly just a simple matter of condensation, although i haven't...

There's a Blob on your eye...

20181220 In a S. Judith Hindle pitcher, a little white blob can be seen crawling across a fly's compound eye. This is one of the creepier...

Different Prey for Different Pitchers

Dec 17 2018 The giant roach in the bugbat wins for the largest bug my traps have caught. It seems worthwhile to see what’s happening in...

Ants Eaten in Judith Hindle

Nov 7 2018 Meanwhile in the Judith Hindle, a few ants are trapped in Zone 3 whist the little white blobs are eating those who've already...

Attack of the Blobs, Fly Eaten in Judith Hindle

Meanwhile in a different Judith Hindle leaf (but the same plant). This takes place Nov. 2018. (Further north, Sarracenia are hibernating...

Ants and Flys in Judith Hindle

A few ants and a fly trapped in a Judith Hindle. It looks like the ants are fighting the little white blobs (mites?). I can's see for...

The Ants build a ladder to escape the Bugbat

20181101 Nov 1 2018 The Ants build a ladder to escape the Bugbat An army of ants has been growing in this Bugbat pitcher. Today they got...

Moth in Judith Hindle

20181003 A moth took a wrong turn and ended up in a Judith Hindle. It is having a bad day. It is already partially in the water. The...

First Post: Well, That was disturbing.

I have nearly a year's worth of Pencam pictures and videos. I guess I will begin at the beginning. This is one of my first ant videos I...

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