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Ants Stealing from Drosera again!

5/12/2020 I have seen these red ants repeatedly stealing from the drosera spatulata. I posted earlier of them stealing a fly. I figured...

Ants in Sarracenia Catesbaei x Purpurea x Flava

I haven't looked inside the Sarracenia Catesbaei x Purpurea x Flava lately. There are a ton of ants in every pitcher. I'm not sure why...

Spider Sightings

Spider Sightings April 23, 2020 Spotted some spiders amongst the pitchers. They sometimes make a home in sarracenia. The pitchers offer...

Ants Fighting in Sarracenia Leucophylla

Two ants are fighting deep in a S. Leucophylla pitcher, at around 2 minutes. It looks like the black ant is trying to sting the red ant....

Ants are stealing from my Drosera again!

The ants are up to something again. Now they are stealing prey from my Drosera. Don’t they know carnivorous plants eat ants? ...

Opening Day in Sarracenia Judith Hindle

April 3 2020 The first S. Judith Hindle pitcher opened and the mites are already colonizing the pitcher. They are deep in Zone 3 of the...

Opening Day in S. Yellow Jacket

March 25, 2020 The S. Yellow Jacket was the second to have a pitcher open. I didn’t spot any mites on the lip of the pitcher. There are...

Opening Day in S. BugBat

March 17, 2020 Spring is here. The flowers are in bloom and new pitchers are growing. The first pitcher to open this season is a large...

Mega-Mite and a Yellowjacket in S. Leucophylla

March 2, 2020 I was checking on the Yellow Jacket that is trapped in the S. Leucophylla. The poor guy got turned around and is now face...

Drosera Pictures

Spring is here and the drosera are growing like weeds. Here are a few random drosera pictures. (Older Drosera pictures are here....

Unknown Worms in S. Yellow Jacket

Feb. 23, 2020 The S. Yellow Jacket is not the biggest pitcher plant, but it never fails to host stange and frequently creepy, commensal...

Rotifers in S. Yellow Jacket

Feb 17, 2020 I’m always finding new commensal animals in S. Yellow Jacket. I think I spotted rotifers feeding on ants. I am sure...

Inchworms?!? A new creature in S. Leucophylla

Dec 28 2019 There is a new creature feeding in the S. Leucophylla, not sure what it is but it looks like a brown inchworm. I spotted...

Flies Flies and More Flies in S. Leucophylla

Dec 28 2019 Not sure why the S. Leucophylla seem to be trapping only flies. Not sure if it's fly season, if the pitcher is attracting...

An Ant in Plant Riding a Wasp in a S. Leucophylla

Now here's something you don't see everyday (unless you have a pitcher plant and a pencam) An ant riding wasp or yellow jacket, both of...

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