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Ant Ladder in the Giant Bugbat Pitcher

The bugbat, after a slow start (something ate the first pitchers as they started growing) has been producing giant pitchers. The smallest...

Someone took the Redeye Fly in Leucophylla

Jan 12 2019 This is the same short Leucophylla pitcher with the ants from Jan 12, The ants have died and, a big fly with large red eyes...

A long video of Ants in Bugbat

Dec 19 2018 This video starts at the base of a bubbat pitcher and follows up to the mouth of the pitcher. Note the ants at the base,...

Ants in Leucophylla

Jan 12 2019 Just a bunch of ants in the shortest Leucophylla trap (its only 15 inches). There are other prey insects and blobs at the...

Ants in Bugbat

Dec 25 2018 The ants are still active in bugbat. They are running around on a larger flying insect 20181225_103945.mp4

Different Prey for Different Pitchers

Dec 17 2018 The giant roach in the bugbat wins for the largest bug my traps have caught. It seems worthwhile to see what’s happening in...

Waste Not, Want Not in Bugbat

Nov 9 2018 The plan was to record all the way to the bottom of a Bugbat pitcher. Through the ants in Zone 2 and 3 and into the digestive...

Ant Ball in Leucophylla

20181030 We're having an ant ball! Not a formal ant party, but another example of the ants working together like the ant ladder. In...

Ants Eaten in Judith Hindle

Nov 7 2018 Meanwhile in the Judith Hindle, a few ants are trapped in Zone 3 whist the little white blobs are eating those who've already...

The Ant Ladder continues in Bugbat

Nov 7 2018 The ants are still in ladder formation after a week since my first observation. I assume its the same ants or possibly the...

Attack of the Blobs, Fly Eaten in Judith Hindle

Meanwhile in a different Judith Hindle leaf (but the same plant). This takes place Nov. 2018. (Further north, Sarracenia are hibernating...

Ants and Flys in Judith Hindle

A few ants and a fly trapped in a Judith Hindle. It looks like the ants are fighting the little white blobs (mites?). I can's see for...

There’s a monster in my Leucophylla

20181029 Maybe it's because it's nearly Halloween, but i saw a monster today. In a Leucophylla. Expecting to see an army of ants, a...

The fate of the ants in a leucophylla pitcher

There was a major ant party going on in my second leucophylla pitcher on Sept 19 2018. I leave it to you to guess how many ants are...

First in S. Bugbat

20180728 This was my first attempt at filming inside S. Bugbat. It has a hood covering the pitcher entrance, so I was afraid, the Pencam...

First in S. Leucopylla: Ants

20180727 This is the first time I tried the the Pencam on my tallest pitcher plant, Sarracenia Leucophylla. It is about 2 feet tall. The...

First Post: Well, That was disturbing.

I have nearly a year's worth of Pencam pictures and videos. I guess I will begin at the beginning. This is one of my first ant videos I...

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