This is the first time I tried the the Pencam on my tallest pitcher plant, Sarracenia Leucophylla.
It is about 2 feet tall. The video was taken about a week after the plant opened on 20180721.
Its ant pandemonium (antdemonium? ) in there.
S.Leucophylla and other tall pitchers presents a challenge for filming with the Pencam. To get it to where the action is puts the Pencam deep inside the pitcher. So deep, the focus dial is inside, making manual focus difficult. Eventually, I came up with a workaround. Focus on the pitcher's lip about an inch from the lip before entering the pitcher. That is a good place to start. When the Pencam is deep inside the pitcher, you can fine focus by moving the Pencam up and down. Its a bit of trail and error at first, but once you get the hang of it, filming inside a pitcher plant is easy.
The ants in better focus
First leuco 20180727_192425.mp4
It did not go well for the ants. Flash forward to Aug 6 2018 and its an ant graveyard.
This is a short clip of the graveyard in focus from Aug 6 2018
20180806_173740.mp4 20180806_174539.mp4