Nov 9 2018
The plan was to record all the way to the bottom of a Bugbat pitcher. Through the ants in Zone 2 and 3 and into the digestive Zone 4. There were tons of ants running around. (Not sure why they aren't in the ant ladder today) The picture gets fuzzy not because it's going out of focus, but because there are ants on the camera lense. The picture clears a little bit towards the bottom. Live and dead ants can be seen in the bottom.

What I hadn’t considered is when is recording it can also become an ant lifeline.
Next thing I know, my hand is covered with ants that climbed up the pencam!

As they say: Waste not, want not. I put the ants on the drosera binata multifida.

Note this was lit with sun light. The pencam lights were off
The same pitcher, but starting from the top. I didn't go into the ant zone. It appears I had the pencam lights on.
20181109_160745.mp4 earlier video 20181109_160633.mp4