Oct 9 2019
The ants are up to something, again. I got a couple of drosera capensis earlier in the summer and they promptly were baked in the Texas sun. I had given up on them but as the weather has cooled, I noticed one of them was attempting a comeback. It was tiny so i decided to feed it to help it regrow. I added a mosquito. I wanted to see the leaf curled around the mosquito, but it was gone. I added an ant. The next morning I caught the thief in action. A tiny ant was pulling the ant off the sticky leaves and then took off with it. I’m not sure how it didn’t get stuck, but I think this ant and it's buddies nabbed the mosquito, too.

This video is a little off. I didn’t setup fast enough to see the ant pulling the larger ant off the drosera, but I did get video of the ant escaping with the drosera’s food.
I think these were the same ants I caught burying rocks earlier this summer.
I said it once, I’ll say it again. The ants are up to something.